Entries by Dawn Westmoreland

Spending A Morning With Erin Brockovich

When did it become wrong, to tell the truth? Stick-to-it-ness. That’s the word that Erin Brockovich loves to use in her advocacy. She has done this for over 22 years and is still a champion for clean water. I met Erin at a women’s conference after setting the intention of getting her to endorse my advocacy […]

Five Tips to Honor MLK

Tick tock…tick tock… time has turned into years and years have unfolded improvements that Martin Luther King was greatly responsible for in the mid-1960s.  The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act for African Americans changed the laws in America so there would be repercussions for discrimination of race or color.  So now we […]

Five Tips Before Hiring a Life Coach

There may come a time that you want to hire a Life Coach to “break-through” some barriers in your life or to help you gain clarity on an issue. You may want to become more empowered and understand why you are attracting bad acting people into your life, for example. Hiring a Life Coach can […]

How to Find Strength When You are Being Abused

Have you ever noticed a newly planted tree that has been staked by a landscaper?  You may think that the stakes will support the tree in the event of heavy winds.  In most cases, the newly planted trees do not need to be staked.  It’s an unnecessary “extra” step that some landscapers perform.  Unless the […]

Prozac or a Life Coach?

If you had the choice, would you choose to take Prozac for “mild” depression or would you hire a Life Coach?  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. It is a leading cause of disability.  When it comes to what creates depression, you may want to consider the […]