Who Stole Your “Personal Power” from You? Five Tips for Recovery
Are you constantly worried about what others think of you or that you won’t fit in with certain groups? Do you “give in” easily to other people’s demands or you have given up hope that you will ever be truly heard? As human beings in a spiritual body, I know that many of you have experienced it—giving away your “personal power”. You have taken the unappreciative comments from another person or you have felt “isolated even though you are in a crowd of people. It’s one of the worst feelings in the world.
Garbage men are often looked down upon from some people who feel they have achieved a “higher” status in life. When I lived in Southern France for eight months, the garbage men went on strike for higher pay and better “holiday” time off. I will never ever forget it. They went on strike for one month and refused to pick up any trash till they got their demands. I will not describe the smell or tell you what it looked like. We all know what kitchens smell like if we don’t get the trash out in a timely manner. Those garbage men got everything they wanted and I must say, I was secretly impressed and happy for them.
So often we give away our “personal power” and don’t realize why we are not being treated with respect. You must believe in yourself, more than others believe in you. If you are not being treated with respect, there may be a chance that you don’t respect your own self. Hey it happens! Been there myself and got the tee-shirt. I also burned that darn tee-shirt a while ago. I learned the hard way to find my own self-love and self-respect. I am always excited to help others find it a whole lot faster than I did. It’s time to burn that tee-shirt if you have it. Let’s dive in and take action to stop giving away your “personal power”.
First, Part of being a human being is feeling valued, appreciated, and having a sense of belonging. There is no one on this earth that is more valuable than you or deserves more than you do. That’s right! We are all God’ children and if you have a different faith or belief, than choose your “source”. Slow down a little in your life and notice the “signs” that are always there that tell you that you are connected to the divine and you are never ever alone on this earth. I am constantly finding these “signs” and it was only when I really slowed down that I began to notice them. Are you going so fast that you need to take yourself off of autopilot? Our society has conditioned us to go-go-go all the time and many times you are just being “busy” and really not as productive as you would like to be in your life.
Second, on this earth, you must put yourself first, before others. There are so many people “serving” others and they are burning out because they are not nurturing themselves and practicing self-care. Compare it to driving a car for a long time and not maintaining it. The car will break down eventually because it was not maintained. You must fulfill your needs first, so you can respond and care for others. You may be more “driven” or motivated than your spouse or partner, you cannot change them, but you can change yourself. And you must take action to fulfill your future or you will most likely experience being “uncomfortable” or that things are not working out the way you want them to be. Sometimes we have to experience misery or being uncomfortable so that we are “prompted” to be in alignment with our life purpose. This is no joke. Being in the mental health ward for three days was the best “gift” ever for me. I realized I was working in a job that was totally unfulfilling and working with people who had very low energies. It “shifted” me quickly to train in a year-long program to be a Life Coach. What a “gift”!
Third, stop worrying what others will think of you. They are responsible for their actions and emotions. You must be fair and considerate to others, as it is always the right thing to do. If you compassionately share some unpleasant news and the other person cries or gets mad, it probably means that they have some “unresolved” issues in their life that they need to heal or resolve. They may have been hurt in the past from a bad experience and it is still “unresolved” and eating away at them. Each of us has to “heal” ourselves and make amends with issues that have harmed or hurt us. We cannot “will” away some one else’s hurt or pain. We can be there for them and show support, but we cannot do the work for them. There is no magic pill. Healing or forgiving others can be hard work, but definitely worth it in the long run.
Fourth, if you are seeking answers from everyone else, but yourself. Stop it right now! You have an opinion and an “expert adviser” in you for many of the answers you are seeking. Stop asking someone else about how you should handle your affairs, unless you are seeking professional advice that you truly need. I see this over and over with people. They will ask me what I think about a matter involving them. I will turn it around in an empowering question and ask, “How are you giving away your personal power” to me when you know better than I, what is best for you. I never give advice to people. I will provide information that could be valuable to them, but want others to feel empowered because they become their own leader and take charge of their life. Think about it yourself—how do you give away your own “personal power”? When you realize it–that is the first step. Now take appropriate action for yourself.
Fifth, I use to run track in high school. I was pretty good too. I was running a race and I looked back and that was all it took to slow me down and the other runner won the race. I was so disappointed in myself that day. My coach and my mother told me later, that if I had not looked back, I would have won the race. How often are you comparing yourself with others or you are feeling insecure because someone is further down the “track” than where you are at this time? Often times, people who are successful will open up their wings more and take more risks in life. They don’t play small and they are competing against themselves so they can be their very best. Just keep your eyes on the goal and outcome you want in life. Stop comparing yourself and getting upset if someone else is doing better than you. They have bad days too! Consider this—what is the most loving and empowering thing you can do today, to help you achieve your goals or live the life you deserve?
I am about to create a “confidence” hypnosis/meditation MP3 soon. If you have never experienced hypnosis—it’s simply a guided meditation designed to relax you while you benefit from suggestions provided. If you want to get a copy, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. I offer complimentary products from time to time, and only in my newsletter. Sign up for my newsletter at http://eepurl.com/8vFN1 The “confidence” MP3 will be included in my next newsletter.
Here is to your “Empowerment” and a great week!
Dawn Westmoreland