“How to Shine Out the Darkness in Your Life”
We all deal with it—negative people, events, and situations and it can be draining, hurtful, and down-right nasty sometimes. Let’s face it, there are people out there who are hurt, have not healed from their “issues”, and may be stuck in a “rut”. These people may hurl insults or be negative around you. It can be a surprise to see a grown man or women acting badly, but it happens all the time. It even happens to me. One of the best “tools” I have learned is to spread “white light” when there is negativity. Let me explain. Many spiritual people believe that white light is the space within the universe where positive energies are stored and can be released. You can call upon it anytime and in any place. People who are “empaths” may be one of the first people to notice or sense negative energies around them. Empaths are very sensitive people who can often “feel” emotional energy from other people or even in physical spaces.
I have been very sensitive and an “empath” all my life. I have continued to become more sensitive as I have gotten older too. This can be great when you are a healer or work with people like I do as a Personal Power Coach. On the other hand, it can be draining if you are picking up negative energy that a person puts out. You don’t even have to be physically around them and you can still “feel” the negative energy. Everything is energy and so are thoughts. I can sense the energy of many things and I am not alone. There are other empaths out there too and they may need a little help in negating energy that is not so pure and nice. Plants need light to grow and we as human need light to thrive. We live in a world that does have “darkness” and I will gladly share a tool to help you spread “white light” so you can help remove darkness and negative energy from your life. This is a tool that one of my mentors, Martha Juchnowski taught me for my own usage and really does work!
First, imagine that you have white light emanating from your heart. The heart puts out more energy than the brain does. Researchers have actually measured this with machines that can measure energy. The heart is very powerful. When you are imagining white light coming from your heart, begin to visualize it getting bigger and bigger so that it is now all of you and expanding around you. You can make this “white light” as big as you want. You can spread it in your house or in a friend’s house for example. I do my own “white light” version with all of my loved ones and all of our pets, every single day. It works. I visualize placing white light in their homes, all around their homes, their workplaces, and around their neighborhoods too.
Don’t panic if you are not good at visualizing—that does not matter! It’s all about intention and every thought is energy too. So, basically you are sending love and light out when you are doing this. When you do this you are spreading goodness, love, and pure energy. Darkness and negative energy can’t live in a loving and pure environment. It has to leave! It’s the law of the universe and I called that—God. I have imagined white light spreading in a loved one’s entire house. Later that day they informed me that the air felt so light and maybe it was the weather. I can assure you that the weather in that neighborhood was rain for the past three days and that does not make the air seem “lighter”.
Try it sometime—shine white light around you, your pets, your home, your work space, and where ever you need it. It cannot hurt anyone or harm them. You may notice that people become happier or more at peace. To me it seems miraculous, but I have seen some pretty cool stuff as a result of me shining white light on people, places, and situations. You never do it with the intention of harming or hurting someone. It cannot do that! It just makes the energy around the person more pure and loving. When you are emitting love or good energy, you are pushing away negativity. People feel better and I bet you will too. Love is powerful!