Tag Archive for: energy

“The Leadership of Energy”

While I was attending training to become a coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), I learned from their coaching program that there are seven levels of energy. You can learn more about iPEC at www.ipeccoaching.com  The founder of this wonderful coaching school is Dr. Bruce D. Schneider.  Let’s talk about energy.  Everything is energy—our clothes, our cars, and even our personal thoughts.  There are also two types of energy:  anabolic and catabolic.   Anabolic energy is healing, productive, positive, and growth-oriented. While catabolic energy is contracting, draining, and resistant.   If you feel like a “victim’ or feel “hopeless”, that is catabolic energy.  While you feel like a victim, you perception may be distorted and affect the choices that you make.   If you are non-judgmental and feel passionate about your life, you may be at the high-end of the energy levels.

If you feel fear, guilt, worry, self-doubt or have low self-esteem, you will be operating at the lowest level of energy and feel like a “victim”.  Feeling this low, makes you susceptible to feeling helpless and avoiding confrontation.  You may feel like you are “losing”.  This is a highly destructive energy level.  You may notice that you are attracting other “victim-like” people in your life because “like” attracts “like”.   But you don’t have to be a “victim” or feel like you don’t have choices in your life. You can raise your energy levels by becoming more “empowered”.

As you move up the energy levels, you may experience what is known as level two energy.  This is where a person may want to manage others by force or control.   A person may want to project blame on others.  It’s an “I win and you lose” situation in this energy level.  It is certainly better than being a victim, but it’s still catabolic energy that is draining you.  Do you really want to have level two energy?

Level three energy is an entry-level of anabolic energy, which is productive energy and more uplifting.  A person may take responsibilities for their thoughts, actions, and emotions.  They realize they have a choice in the matter and take accountability for this state of being.  This is an “I win, and hopefully you win, too” energy.  A person can motivate themselves and others through forgiving others, being more tolerant, and compromising with others.

When you have a level four energy, you take little or nothing personally and are able to be more objective.  There is more of a “You win” going on and a “service” before self-mentality.  This kind of energy lends to compassion for others and inspiration to serve others.  This fosters team work, loyalty, and collaboration with others.   It is definitely a high level of energy that lends to you becoming more successful and making a difference in this world.

Some of the greatest leaders in this world have a level five energy, which is a “We all win or no one wins” mentality.   The people who possess this energy tend to be calm, confident entrepreneurial, and powerful.  There is a sense of being in control of your life and destiny.   There are no challenges, but every experience in life is an opportunity for self-growth.  One of the core thoughts is that a person is “accepting” of others and does not try to change them.

Level six energy is an energy where a person sees everyone and everything as an extension of themselves.   Their intuition is very active and people possessing this energy can tap into being a creative geniuses and they are visionaries, along with being a conscious leader.   The mentality is “We always win”.  The feeling are of permanent joy, satisfaction and pleasure.  There is a great sense of connection with everything and everyone.

The highest level of energy is one that is characterized by complete objective thinking, being fearless, and are non-judgmental.   A person with this kind of energy can view things with complete objectivity.  The mentality for this energy level is “Winning and losing are illusions”.  It is hard to imagine that concept, but with practice you can achieve it.   Leaders who possess this energy are “masters” in their world and consciously co-create their life experiences.   These are the most powerful leaders in the world.

There are always advantages and disadvantages of each energy level.  Everyone can experience level one energy (Catabolic energy aka “victimhood”) at times and also experience level four energy (Anabolic/where you take nothing personal) too.   Your overall average of your energy levels can dictate how successful you are in your personal life and in your business.  Generally, the higher your energy levels, the more satisfied you are in your relationships, finances, personal self-growth, and your achievements.

It is great to have an awareness of who you are, you level of “consciousness” and how you act in your life.  If you are interested in learning more about the leadership of energy and how to determine where you “fit” in with these energy levels, you can request more information at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com/contact    Just remember that every experience in our life is not a “challenge”, but an opportunity to grow and learn.  If you can truly accept and embrace that, you are raising your energy leadership.  Here is to an “empowering” 2015 and taking action to realize your dreams and Dawn and Virtuegoals this year!

“Loving the Unlovable”–tips on empowerment

What a title! Can you relate? I sure can! I bet you know of someone in your life that drives you crazy and you would rather avoid them, then deal with their trauma and drama. When this person(s) enters the room, you feel your blood boil, your stomach cramp or you feel nauseous because this person can be very manipulative or narcistic. They may even be an “energy vampire” too, the kind of person that “drains” your energy with their presence and behavior, I have dealt with this experience myself and use to lose a lot of sleep over the raDawn pic for Newlife64ntings and manipulative behavior of a “energy vampire”. This person drove me crazy with rage and disgust because I felt they were continuously taking advantage of a loved one.

I realized that my “clairsentience”, which is intuition in the form of emotional input, gut feeling or physical feeling and my “Claircognizance”, which is when intuitive information just pops into your head, was developing and I had a sense of “knowing” about things and people. It drove me nuts and I wanted others to experience these insights like I did. We all have intuitive gifts. They are different for each person, but we all have intuitive gifts. It’s a matter of accepting these “gifts” and be open to them too. Once you are, be ready for your “gifts”.   These tools are invaluable if used correctly and they can be of great benefit in your personal life and business. I don’t claim to be psychic, but have different levels of intuitive “gifts” and I am grateful for them. I love using my “gifts” to help others.

Getting back to the “unlovable” people in your life. It has taken me many years to realize that these people can be the greatest “spiritual teachers” in your life. I have suffered and anguished over these kinds of people, until I was able to “let go” and trust that there is a reason for “unlovable” people in my life. They can teach you patience, standing up for yourself, and trusting that they are in your life for a “divine” reason. They can bring you closer to God or whatever source you are close to and they can also provide the best lessons in life. The “unlovable” are in your life for a reason—take time to discern over this and realize you have the opportunity of improving your spirituality and personal growth.  You get to choose and life is all about choices. I continually repeat this in most of my blogs.

The “unlovable” can come into your loved ones lives to teach them lessons and even you.   Since “like” attracts “like”, it can bring a narcistic/manipulative person to a person who has low self-esteem and may continually get treated with dis-respect. Once you are able to raise your energy levels and find self-respect, you will notice that the people in your life are “matching” your energy levels and your self-esteem.   That is why it is so important to work on self-development so you can experience the best relationships with others in your life.   Until then, you must set healthy “boundaries” in your life. That simply means that you cannot allow others to dis-respect you and take advantage of you. I love Doreen Virtue’s new book, “Assertiveness for Earth Angels”. I have read this book twice and highly recommend it to others who deal with “unlovable” people. Once you know how to deal with all kinds of people, life gets less messy and uncomplicated. Until you stand up for yourself and show your own self some R.E.S.P.E.C.T., you may find yourself repeating old behaviors that attract the “unlovable” in your life.

Now, I know we cannot pick our family members, but we can choose our friends very wisely. The five people we hang out with the most each day will have a profound effect on you. They will affect you personally, financially, and spiritually. Don’t beat yourself up on past experiences with “unlovable” people. Just learn the “lessons”, become more empowered and never stop growing—spiritually.   The worst people in my life have helped me to get closer to God and improve my own spirituality. Now, that is empowering! The “unlovable” can be loved, but sometimes it may have to be at a distance and with a lot of praying for ease and grace to be in your life.   Just remember they teach you many things in your life. They are not a challenge to you, but an opportunity to learn and grow. So, let it happen!

Step Into Your Personal Power

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Let’s face it!  Do you ever feel tired and out of energy?  Have you considered how your energy is leaking from you and leaving you empty?  Our minds are so powerful and our thoughts play a large role in how we view our world.   Our thoughts are the foundation to how we live and think.   Life is either good or bad according to our belief system.  We can control our thoughts and become a leader of our thoughts!  I encourage you to pay attention to your thoughts first thing in the morning.  If you keep them positive, your day will likely be more productive and cheerful.

How can you find more positivity in your life?

  • Change a negative thought to a positive thought
  • Surround your life with positive people and events
  • Do activities that make you happy
  • Cherish the simple pleasures in life–there are many out there
  • Be around people that make you feel good
  • Love yourself unconditionally–there is only one YOU!
  • Detach from negative people and events when possible

We can get so much support from positive people, but some people like drama and are energy vampires.   They enjoy the attention they receive being a victim or creating chaos.  We all know people who are like this. As a very sensitive person, who dislikes drama and chaos, I have to set boundaries with these kind of people. It’s not that they are bad.  I believe all people are good, but some are frightened and act out of fear.  These kind of people can “suck” out your energy in no time.   They want to tell you about all the drama in their life or they are continuously negative, which leaves you feeling fatigued and depleted.   While we all have our “bad” days, we need to keep things in prospective.  So what can you do to help yourself from getting “sucked in” by energy vampires and negative thoughts?

First, notice how you are feeling.  If you are feeling uncomfortable around a certain person, that is a sign that your energy is being compromised. This is a time to notice and take action!  Everyone deserves to be happy and respected.   If you are trying to grow personally or spiritually, you may want to evaluate the people you want in your life and environment.  While you may not have a choice in some matters, you can choose your companions and friends wisely.  You also have a choice in your thoughts.  If you catch yourself thinking negatively, imagine placing your negative thoughts in a helium balloon and releasing it so it can be removed from you.  Bring in positive and nurturing thoughts that support you.

Second, it takes courage to “cut-off” people who continue to barrage you with their drama and chaos.  I encourage supporting people who need an “ear” or emotional support.  We all need to take responsibility and be accountable for 100% of our lives.  So, when a person is not willing to be responsible and take appropriate actions for their life, they are willing to stay in a place that may not be beneficial to them.  I realize that we all “slip” sometimes–even I fall short sometimes and get “de-railed”.   I am far from perfect and I have gotten caught up in other people’s drama schemes by trying to help them, while they are not taking any responsibility for their own lives.   Rescuing people does not  help them if they are willing to stay a victim of their own life.

None of us know how long we will be on this earth and how life will unfold each day. However, we have a lot of power in having positive thoughts and friends.  I am sharing a wonderful story that reminds me I have a choice in my life–to be happy or to be unhappy.  I chose to being happy and be responsible for my life. Life is good.

Good Wolf Bad Wolf

A traditional Native American story describes a boy who was feeling angry and upset at an injustice, who goes to his old Grandfather for advice. The Grandfather tells the boy that he, too has felt these feelings of hate and anger. The Grandfather shares that he has also realized how these feelings have no effect on his enemy, but they do cause him great pain.

“It is as if I have two wolves living inside me,” says the Grandfather. “One is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way.”

“But the other wolf,” Grandfather continues, “fights everyone, all the time, for no reason. The smallest thing will send him into a fury. He cannot think because his anger and rage are so great; however for all its fury, his anger changes nothing.

“Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit.”

The boy looks into his Grandfather’s eyes and asks, “Which one wins, Grandfather?”

His grandfather replies, “Whichever one I feed.”

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