Tag Archive for: hypnosis

“The Real Cost of Being Beautiful”

Dawn in iPEC schoolSometimes people will “go the extra mile” in efforts to be beautiful. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 15.1 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2013, which is a 3% increase from the previous year. Of these procedures, most of them — 13.4 million — were minimally invasive procedures, like botox injections and chemical peels. But a large number of people — around 1.6 million — went under the knife to have invasive procedures, like breast augmentation surgeries, nose reshaping surgeries, and liposuction surgeries, according to http://www.cheatsheet.com/personal-finance/how-much-do-we-spend-on-beauty.html

Now, I know that most of us want to look our best, but how much of this obsessions is pure insecurity in ourselves. It really “pains” me to see women chasing after “beauty” as if it will truly make them more confident. Let’s face it, when you take off your makeup or your garments that perform some miracle, you are the “real you”. I am not putting down makeup or looking your best, by no means! It’s when you become obsessed with “beauty” and it runs your life, I think there is a concern.

Do we ask men to get “implants”? Seriously! I heard that comment last night when I was at the Millrun for a comedy show featuring Vince Morris. Vince was taunting the women in his audience about their obsession with their views and unrelentless desire for plastic surgery and trying to be perfect. He had me on the end of my seat! I totally get his humor and his raw “truth” about the obsession of beauty.

I went to Miami, Florida last September to finish my third module of coaching with iPEC. I forgot to take a couple of makeup items and realized it down the road. I realized how perfectly comfortable I was without makeup and the need to impress another human being. I could have gone to a drug store and bought some makeup, but I chose not to because I am about the “beauty” inside me. But—don’t get me wrong, I do value looking great, but not at the cost of being obsessed with it.  The picture above proves that I have no makeup on and I am still a happy girl!  So, I may have been one of the few women in Miami (at this time) who had absolute no makeup on and was just perfectly fine with it!

As a teenager, I went to a high-end modeling agency in Jacksonville, Florida. I was told that I had the “looks” to be a high-fashion model.  My father was very handsome and my mother also gave me some very good genes too. I mean—I was 5’10” and about 120 lbs. when soaking wet. I was jumping up and down for joy, and that came to a halt when my mother told me in her own words—“It is not going to happen!” That probably was a beautiful gift from my mother at this time.

Most of my life has been about helping others and advocacy. I value inner beauty and kindness.  I went many years without wearing makeup and declining “miracle” garments that would somehow make me look “different”. I had spent too many years feeling insecure because of my childhood woes to let that insecurity back into my life as an adult chasing after “beauty”.

If you would spend the money to hire a coach or hypnotherapist that could help you feel better about yourself—that is beautiful! A coach or a hypnotherapist can get down to the “root” of your problem and help you “overcome” it so you can feel better about yourself. In my practice, I don’t just hypnotize someone and they are “confident”. There is never a magic “blue pill”.   I intuitively ask empowering questions so I know more about the “blocks” that people have that make them feel less beautiful or insecure. Together, whether in coaching or hypnotherapy, I work with each client to get “positive affirmation/results” that they want in their session. It’s always about the client—not what I want for them.  It’s their agenda.

If you work on becoming more secure and stop paying attention to marketing that is targeted to “insecure” women, who will buy about anything to make themselves feel better about themselves, you will find the reflection in the mirror to be more beautiful. Trust me on this! There is a trend with the women I work with–they all want more confidence. I even see it with men too. Wouldn’t you agree, that confident and positive women are far more attractive than one who is externally attractive, but feels insecure?

I share with this group my “Confidence building” hypnosis/meditation I made at http://DawnMarieWestmoreland.com/blog/ . I can work with individuals that want a more “tailored” session with me at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com

Phone, Google hangouts, or Skype work out just fine if it can’t be done in person. Here is to being “beautiful” you– inside and outside—because you are!

Negativity In Your Life?  Three tips to empower you

dawnIt is simply amazing, that as a community of people, there are quite a few miserable people on this earth.  How can this be, when we have so many venues to help us be happier and healthier in our lives?  If you are glued to the TV for the latest sensationalism, you are going to get a big dose of it, but it probably won’t make your day brighter.  Most TV stations are featuring negative and energy-draining broadcasts.  You may know people who are constantly sharing their fears or negativity about life, their work or about relationships.  We are conditioned by our culture, community, parents, teachers, mentors, and others who may share their concerns with you.   Many probably mean well and don’t realize the impact they are imparting on others.  In reality, they do their best with the experience and conditioning they have received in their lives.  Don’t fret!  We do have choices and can choose our thoughts and actions wisely.

First, pay attention to your inner guidance or your feelings.  If you have a “gut” feeling that something is not right, don’t dismiss it as nonsense.  We are all equipped with different “gifts” of intuition.  Trust yourself and your intuition.  For example if you have feelings of concern or you feel repelled towards someone, that could be an indication that you should be concerned about that person.  They may be someone who will take advantage of you or may not be a good person to hang around.  Don’t be afraid, just trust yourself on this one.   Your feelings are valid and should not be discarded because you don’t want to hurt someone.   You should always be respectful and decent to people, but you get to choose your friends and the people you want to be in your life that lift you up and keep you inspired.

Second, be mindful of the people, places and events in your life.  If you are constantly hanging around negative people or watching TV shows that make you depressed, consider limiting your activities around them.  While we cannot control everything in our lives, we have lots of control in our own homes and who we bring into our lives as friends.  Everything on this planet is “energy”.  We are energy too.  Yes—created by our Creator.  When you take in negativity, it can severely affect you and especially empathetic people.  Every day, I have a practice of visualizing “white light” emanating from inside of me and spreading throughout my home, property, and to other locations which I believe need to have positivity and pureness.   It really does work!  Try it sometime.  I have sent “white light” to places that are far away and later learned that they are feeling much better and the air seems “lighter”.   White light will remove “darkness” if you set the intention of love and light.  It will never harm anyone because it can only help with removing negativity and darkness.  Sometimes you may be going through a hard time and need some “white light” in your life.  You can start out with small issues and see that it works and then “go bigger”.

Third, there are times when you have created the “drama” in your life.   Just know that you have the power to change it with your thoughts, intentions and your actions.  You have “personal power” and were created and made in the image of our Divine Creator.   No one has to be a “victim”. You have the right and the skills to conquer many things in your life.   Stop blaming others or think they can control you!   Once you do this—you will become “unstuck” and able to take charge of your life.  Give yourself permission to let go of your “old stories” and make healthful life changes.  You can rely on yourself to get things done and ask people who want to see you succeed, to hold you accountable for taking action.   Just do it!  Many people find prayer to be very powerful.  It is part of my daily routine and I highly recommend praying for the things you need so you can become the person you want to be in your life.  Prayer works.

If you need more “confidence” to move ahead and to make positive changes in your life, you may need a little help.  I have created a complimentary “confidence” hypnosis/meditation audio that you can use daily to increase your confidence.   Many clients that come to me have issues with confidence.  Who couldn’t use a little more confidence in their life?   All you have to do is email me at CoachwithDawn@gmail.com and request your complimentary audio.  I know you will be glad that you did and I always love hearing your feedback on my blogs, services and products.


Dawn Westmoreland is a professional Life Purpose Coach & Hypnotherapist on a mission to empower and assist professional women who want to “break-through” their overwhelm, stress, and stop being “leaders in hiding”.  She has been featured in the Christian Science Monitor for her bravery and empowering people with her work.  You can learn more about Dawn and her services at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com

How to Believe in Yourself—Three Steps You Can Conquer

Believe in YourselfI remember my business coach telling me, “You have to believe in yourself more than others believe in you”, when I first started working with her last year.  Everyone experiences self-doubt at times.  Even I do sometimes.  I remember when I first spoke out against the prohibited personnel actions going on in the Veteran Affairs agency several years ago.  As soon as I filed charges against my management, I experienced severe work place bullying and retaliation.  At this time, I was also trying to encourage a good friend of mine from committing suicide due to their own workplace bullying.

My troubles began building as I was trying to down-size and sell my house.  My house flooded two times and my insurance company dropped me after paying me back for repairs of nearly $30k.   Now, the stress of all of this was starting to overwhelm me and I was feeling very discouraged at this time.  I had so much self-doubt at the time and wondered if I could conquer all my goals.  It took about nine months and a lot of up-grades to sell my house.  The house and property were very nice, but would appeal to only someone who loved being on the side of a hill and loved to garden—I mean a lot of gardening!   I thought that my troubles could not get any worse and then the Veteran Affairs disregarded my doctor’s recommendation of being allowed to work from my home computer.   I refused to go back to the Veteran Affairs, to a hostile work environment and my management cut off my pay.  Mind you, I was paying for an attorney and living hand-to-mouth at the time.

The story has a great ending!  My troubles and self-doubt were conquered.  I settled with the Veteran Affairs in March 2014.  One week after settling with the Veteran Affairs, I became a Life Coach and now show people how to become empowered.  As a Life Coach, I don’t provide the solutions, but help people to realize where they are “stuck” in their lives so they can get “unstuck”.   Once they see what is holding them back, I am able to assist them with reaching their goals.  This is what empowerment is about.   Life is full of choices and it’s up to us to choose wisely.  So, how do you believe in yourself more?

First, you must take 100% accountability in your life.   If you are selling yourself short—stop!  Be responsible and make sure you are being accountable in everything you do in this life.  When you know you are being responsible and honest with yourself, it’s hard not to believe in yourself and what you are doing. If you don’t like your job—change jobs!   Own up to the mistakes you make, but don’t beat yourself up!  Learn from your mistakes and make the right action to grow from them.   I learned that I did not have to earn four degrees (after I had earned them) to impress my dead grandmother who had a PhD.  I was smart, without even earning a degree.

Second, take a good look at yourself in the mirror.  Are you your own best friend or worst enemy? If you are cringing to look at yourself and realize you have low self-esteem, take steps to improve your self-esteem.  Lose weight, exercise, go to a support group for help or reach out to a modality that helps you “shift” out of your old patterns or belief system that has been holding you back.  Life coaching and hypnotherapy are excellent ways to help with confidence and breaking old patterns.  It saved my life and now I do it to help others so they can feel better about themselves and have more confidence.

Third, no matter what you faith is, you will find so many benefits in asking for the help you need.  I use to ask God to please “fix” things for me.  Now, I ask God to please help me to become the person I need to become, so I can handle/manage things better in my life.  I have seen so many “signs” in my life, which tell me I am not alone and I am much loved.   I will find a white feather out of the ordinary and last night my stand-up fan turned on by itself.  These are “signs” to me that I am much supported and never alone on this earth—never.   These “signs” get my attention and gently remind me to believe in myself and know I am always supported.  We all have the ability to see “signs” and know we are loved.   Sometimes, we just have to slow down and pay attention.  We are all on this earth for a reason and we must believe in ourselves so we can fulfill our destinies.  We can do this when we fully believe in ourselves and realize what we are capable of doing on this earth.  Each of us are very powerful in a meaningful way.

I would be happy to explain to you how life coaching and/or hypnotherapy can help you to believe more in yourself.  Book a complimentary 20 minute session with me at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com/contact

Five Ways to Step Into Your Freedom

Dawn and VirtueHave you ever thought you felt “trapped” or “enslaved” in your life?  You may have a fancy home or the car of your dreams, but yet, something is really missing in your life.  If you feel that there is more to life than waking up, driving to work, working in a job that does not necessarily fulfill you, going home to spend time in front of the tube, you are not alone!  Recently I heard on the radio that three out of four people do not like their bosses.  That is a lot of unhappiness if you ask me. Let’s take charge of our lives and be accountable to us.  It’s time to step into your “freedom”.

Step one, if you are miserable in your life or job, you may not be in alignment with your true purpose on this earth.   Sometimes we must experience misery, being uncomfortable, and feeling unfulfilled to prompt us into positive action so we are living our true purpose.  Check in with yourself.  If you are not happy in your life, are you really doing the kind of work that you are passionate about and excited to do every day?  Are you with the partner or mate that truly makes you happy and brings joy to your life? Life is sooooo long when you are unhappy.  Take charge of your life!  Work in a job that makes you fulfilled and be with the person who makes your soul feel complete.

Step two, is “fear” controlling your life?  If fear is controlling your life, the fastest way to gain confidence is to tackle what you are afraid of because it will give you confidence.  Seriously.   I am talking about facing fear that is holding you back from being happier and more confident.  Life coaching and hypnotherapy are excellent tools to identify why fear is “protecting” you, holding you back in life, and provides the means to overcome the “fear” in your life.

Step three, is insecurity or lack of confidence keeping you a “leader in hiding”?  Anyone who has experienced life on life’s terms has probably been hurt by some experience.  We all get lessons in life, but we must not let them define us in a way that keeps us small in life.  We have to be accountable in our life.  No excuses!   Let go of the past, forgive the person who may have hurt you, take giant leaps of faith to become the person who can “overcome” the hardships that come up while living on this earth.  We forgive others so we let go of the negative energy or chords we have with the person who harmed us.

Step four, are you taking good care of yourself?  If you are eating poorly, watching too much TV, and making excuses why you can’t get a little exercise done, it’s time to really evaluate how you are treating your body.  When you look in a mirror, are you your own best friend or worst enemy?  Be mindful of all your actions in your life.  Life is always about choices.  Be smart.  Eat right.  Have fun, but treat your body right and it will reward you back.  We have all heard the phrase, “You are what you eat”.  There are tons of helpful advice on the internet.  Reach out for help if you need it.  You deserve it and others are counting on you to be in good shape.

Step five, if you are not in touch with your own intuition, it is high time that you connect with your intuition.  We all have some form of intuition.  Pay attention to the “signs” you get that confirm your intuition is right.  There are great courses you can sign up for and get help with credible instructors that can help you get in touch with your own intuition.  Being connected with your intuition is one of the greatest gifts we have and it can really help you make wise choices in your life.  It can help you find empowerment and the freedom you desire in your life.  So run, don’t walk…..and get in touch with your intuition.  Life is all about choices.  Make smart ones.  We are all much more powerful and intuitive than we realize.  That is mind-blowing, but the truth.  When we make smart decisions, it sets us free to become the person we really want to be in our lifetime.  Life is about choices.   Empower yourself and set yourself free.  Stop following the crowd.  Be a maverick if you want.   Freedom is a choice and you can have it too.   We only have to “unlock” our potential and step into the life we all really deserve.  That is what freedom is all about.

Dawn Westmoreland is a life coach and hypnotherapist on a passionate mission to empower women who are ready to come out “hiding” and become their authentic selves.  Dawn resides in Asheville, NC with her dog and two cats.  She offers a 20 minute complimentary “break-through” strategy consultation for women who want to take charge of their lives and are ready for positive change.  Request your complimentary session at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com/contact



The Art and Science of Self-Care

Self careWe all know that burnt out feeling when we are tired or overwhelmed in our life.  It may come on slow, but it can really affect us personally and professionally when we are not taking good care of ourselves.  We rush, we scatter, and we are running with our heads cut off………We think it is the way to success, by always being busy and multi-tasking.  With all the conveniences we have today, we seem to be still on “overloaded” with work and activities.   No wonder we are so darn tired!

Self-care is about taking care of yourself and your needs.  I find that getting energy body work and massage to be very healing and grounding.  When I get regular energy work and massage, I am able to focus more on my practice and it recharges my energy.  Our bodies need regular care and if we do not practice self-care, we will end up feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and not succeeding in all our endeavors.  I highly suggest that you make it a practice to get a massage, receive body work or experience a modality that helps your body to feel better.  The body heals itself, but it does count on us to make wise choices and to be good to ourselves.

You never want to think of self-care as a luxury.  It is not.  It is a necessity that will keep your body “fueled” and in a homeostasis manner.  Pay attention to the food that you put in your body.  Is it free of pesticides, herbicides, dyes, additives, chemicals etc.?  Our body was not designed to eat poisonous foods and drinks.  Are you overweight and depressed?  It is time to evaluate the self-care you are giving yourself.  Are you getting the necessary exercise you need?  Sometimes, it is as simple as taking a daily walk and experiencing the benefits of an active body in motion.  It is well known that people sleep better at night when they have a good exercise routine.

I encourage you to evaluate how you can incorporate self-care in your life.  One of the best ways to see how your life is changing is to journal each day.  You can later review your trends and your accomplishments.   Be good to yourself!  Not only do you deserve it, but your body needs it.  I find that getting regular massages and energy work to be the best self-care for my body.  It shows too.  I have accomplished so much more in my life and people notice the difference in me too.  I attribute it to being better at self-care and loving myself in a healthier way.

Did you know that hypnosis is a great way to provide your body with self-care.   Not only is it extremely relaxing, but it is very effective in being therapeutic for your body.  Check out my complimentary “relaxation” hypnosis/meditation video at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com  You will find it on the top right side of my home page.  Enjoy.  Relax.  You are on your way to self-care.

Signs of Faith are Everywhere

Signs of Faith are Everywhere

Signs of faith are everywhere and you must slow down to see them.  Just last week, I was in north Florida because my brother married his sweetheart on 12/13/14. It was an awesome wedding, only one week after my father passed away.  We had mourned our father leaving this earth and then embraced a wedding.  The wedding had been set up over a year ago and it turned out to be the happiest wedding I have ever experienced. I offered to pet sit my brother’s carrot-eating dog named Pugsley, while he was on his honeymoon. The weather was very comfortable and I took every opportunity to walk on Flagler beach, which is right below St Augustine, FL. I found myself asking for a “sign” on the beach one evening. I wanted to know that certain actions I was taking were the right ones for my personal, professional and spiritual growth. I soon walked upon five starfish, that had been swept up in the tide, in a matter of 30 minutes. Very few people find starfish like that on Flagler beach and I knew it was a sign that I am being supported. It was also clear to me that I am on the right career track for my life. I threw all of the starfish back but the one I knew was no longer alive and it was very dried out. It is my reminder that I am always being supported in my life and there are signs to prove it.

Often times I will find things that are out of the ordinary and I know they are signs. We are always supported and never truly by ourselves in this world. I remember walking into my closet and looking at the stack of sweaters in my closet on day. I began to think that I needed to donate some of them because I was not wearing them. All of a sudden, one of the sweaters drops to the floor. Of course I laughed! The sweaters were nicely stacked towards the back of a shelf and the sweater did not just fall to the floor because it was close to the edge of the shelf. Another sign! Like many people, I have been guilty of trying to explain everything and ignoring my own intuition. We all have intuition and it’s up to us to develop it and use it properly. It is highly beneficial in my coaching practice.
I remember constantly seeing a blue butterfly in the summer time that would always dance near me when I went outside. Butterflies are a sign about transformation and I knew I was in one hell of a transformation from my old self. My transformation has been mostly about “overcoming” and stepping into my spiritual gifts. My past no longer haunts me and I have become an “Overcomer” of my old stories. How did I “overcome” my old stories is a constant question I receive by those who want to overcome their own stories. I had to learn to trust my faith and that the “signs” I constantly see in my life are meant to assure me that I have all the support I need. As, I walked off the beach after seeing those five starfish that evening, I caught a glimpse of sparkling gold lights out of the corner of my eye. Yes–another amazing sign! We are all supported, loved, and never alone. We must trust our faith.

If you are ready to kick-start your 2015, be sure to ask for your complimentary 20 minute “break through” strategy session with me.  You can contact me at www.DawnMarieWestmoreland.com/contact  for your complimentary session.  You deserve it!

Are You Your Own Biggest Bully? Five Tips for “Overcoming”

We are always hearing about how others are bullied. This can happen at work, at home, or just about anywhere. It is a fact and it does exist in our society. However, I believe that often we can become our own worst enemy or bully. You may not even realize that you are your own worst bully. If you are sabotaging yourself by thinking small or living small, you may be your own worst enemy. I often get asked how did I overcome severe bullying and other tragic events in my life. I have dealt with bullying, sexual abuse, and domestic abuse, but it does not own me anymore. I was sick and tired, of being sick and tired and I learned how to overcome all of it.

The first tip I offer is to take 100% accountability in your life. You must rescue yourself and believe in yourself more than others believe in you. Complaining to others about how bad things are in your life does not solve the problem. You must learn how to “own “your story, not your story “own “you. Self-care is vital for you to empower yourself. That means eating right, exercising and filling your life with things that nurture your body and soul. This could be meditation, yoga, walking, reading or any activity that really nourishes you.
The second tip I’ll share with you is to take a look at all the negativity around you. Are you contributing to it? Are the people you surround yourself with positive and nurturing people? If you are around a lot of negativity, that will keep you stuck at the lowest level possible in your life. Think about your thoughts. Are they positive or negative? If they are negative, you will find that attracts other negative people and negative events in your life. This does not mean walking around with the permanent silly smile on your face, but really engaging in conversation and actions that propel you forward in a healthier life.
Third, many successful people get ahead by investing in themselves. For example, I hired a business coach to move ahead. My business coach has a business coach. Her business coach has a business coach and so on and so on. We all believe in ourselves and want to get ahead in a successful way. What can you be doing to invest in yourself at this time? Is it getting more education, training, hire a professional to help you move ahead in your life? Quality does not cost. It pays. Be sure to invest in yourself so you are moving in the right direction of your life.
Fourth, life is about choices. No one has a gun at our heads stating we must stay in a job we hate, to stay in an unhealthy relationship or put up with people treating us badly. Remember you can always consider other options that would be better for you. There are plenty of resources out there that can help anyone. If you stay in an unhealthy job or situation, it is your choice. We have no one to blame, but ourselves if we are not making wise choices for ourselves. Is it really worth your happiness and health to remain in a bad situation? We always have choices in our life. Be careful not to give away your personal power by depending too much on others all the time. There is a time and place for when we need help from others. Be wise and remember all the answers are truly within us. Everyone has an opinion, but only you know what is best for you.  Make the choice to “listen” to your own voice and thoughts.
Fifth, our thoughts form our belief system. Is your thoughts constructive and positive? Are they serving you well and moving you forward in your life? We get to choose our thoughts too. We can also change or shift our thoughts if they are not serving us well. If you find this hard to do, you may find that hypnosis or hypnotherapy or life coaching can help you to overcome bad habits, bad patterns or negativity in your life. Life coaching and hypnotherapy helped me to overcome many of the tragedies in my life. It can help you gain confidence, self-love, self-respect and break through all that is holding you back from moving fast forward, in a happier manner. We all truly deserve this in our life.
Empowerment Speaker

“Break-Free” Agent Dawn Marie Westmoreland shares about “overcoming” your old stories and how to “own” them.

The more you can master the steps, the better you will feel about yourself, your energy levels will increase, and you will notice that you attract like-minded people in your life based on the energy you project. Always ask yourself, “what is the best thing I can be doing for myself at this time?” When you step into your own personal power, you realize that you are no longer bothered by your old story because you now are “owning” your story. Life looks a whole lot better too. Let’s release what does not serve us best and embrace 2015 with everything that serves us well and enhances our lives.

Don’t be a Prisoner of the Past

ForgiveHealing-Thyme-Services.pngHealing-Thyme-Services.pngI am constantly asked to give a healing session to someone in physical or mental pain. Nothing brings me greater joy than to give healing energy or hypnotherapy to someone in need.   As a young adult, I felt a strong calling to help people heal and feel better about themselves.  As a healing practitioner and hypnotherapist, I hear a lot of concerns about mental anguish and physical pain in clients.   I believe we stay ill or become ill because we are not letting go of our painful past and hurts.

Often I hear about traumatic events or people who have harmed others.  While this is very disheartening, we have to be able to forgive and live a life where we are happy and sharing our gifts to others.   Life is meant to be lived!  I learned to forgive so I could find inner peace.   There is no greater gift than inner peace and harmony. One thing I have noticed is that many clients and acquaintances who are suffering with health ailments are carrying baggage they should release.   The baggage is a painful past, perhaps someone has hurt them or they have experienced harm.  While I am not condoning bad behavior or mistreatment by others, I do advocate the health benefits of forgiving those who have hurt us.  Sometimes the person you may need to forgive is your own self.

Storing negative or toxic thoughts is harmful to our well-being.  Would you purposely want negativity to be stored in your body?  Holding on to grudges or feeling angry at someone can only create harm to our bodies.  Holding on to beliefs or thoughts that don’t serve you are called a non-serving belief.  What is a non-serving belief? It is a belief that you have “bought into” that may not be “serving” you or benefiting you. It may be holding you back from being successful or happy in your life.  Holding on to anger or being resentful about a past hurt can hold you back from being happy and healthy.  We all deserve to be happy.

Being upset at someone keeps us a prisoner of our thoughts.  Be a leader of your thoughts!  So, how did I start letting go of “non-serving” or toxic beliefs that were holding me back and keeping me unhappy? I got to the point where I was sick and tired of being “sick and tired”.   I no longer wanted to be a “victim” and I wanted to be empowered.  I began working on my own spiritual growth and personally chose hypnotherapy or hypnosis so I could begin to “break free” of the hurts in my past. I found great success in letting go of non-serving  beliefs and becoming a happier person.  It begins with forgiving our past and living our future.   People who forgive enjoy happier and healthier lives.







It’s Thyme to Heal

Dawn pic for Newlife64Ever since I was a child, I have had a passionate distaste for injustice, especially when it came to mankind and animals.  As a child, I was an extreme introvert.  As I grew up and went into the Air Force, I found my voice and I also became an advocate for the less fortunate.   As a First Sergeant and an Air Force Recruiter, I was able to make a difference to the people I served.  I filled many roles as an advocate to help the less fortunate.  Perhaps I will never understand why  God wanted me to be an advocate.  I was painfully shy as a child and I thought I was destine to be that way for the rest of my life.

My 20 year career in the Air Force came with a few bumps and lessons.  While I was in the Air Force, I stood up to bullying and nepotism.  Anyone who has ever stood up against corporate America or the government knows that it may come with a high price.  It’s called retaliation and it can come in many different forms, even death threats.   I stood my ground and then dealt with hostility and retaliation for over a year, while serving in the Air Force.  One thing I learned while standing up to injustice was that my mother had more leverage and power than I did.  One letter to a two-star General and all of a sudden, I was transferred to sunny Florida as a remedy for the injustice I dealt with for over a year.   Years later, I look back and was glad for being an advocate for the Air Force’s Assignment system.  The program was now run by an ethical leader and special duty assignments were no longer managed on a bar room napkin.

As much as I love peace and order, I became an advocate again to stand up against bullying and nepotism in my present job.  Sometimes there is a high price for being a whistle blower.  I choose not to mention the details, but it came at a very high price to my health and well-being.  If I had to do it all over again–I would still stand up to injustice and face the price of being a whistle blower.  Why live a life full of lies and only exist? I have never been one to look for the “easy button”.   I have also never been able to look the other way, when I observe bullying, hostility, and injustice.  There are great leaders and humanitarians that I have always admired and wanted to emulate, such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Mother Theresa.  I value the sacrifices they gave to make life better for so many people.  I also want to make a positive difference in this world.

I have truly never been a victim, but a person who is experiencing life and the lessons that go along with it.   My energy is now put towards being a healer and letting go of my old way of life.  As my final days wind down in my full time job and I transition into being a full-time “Healer”, I give thanks for the lessons of my experiences.  The lessons have taught me courage, patience, and above all compassion.  I certainly have “slipped” more than a few times when I thought I was a victim of my circumstances.  I am not perfect.  Beliefs affect our well-being and how we view our lives.  That is why it is so important to be positive and have positive intentions for our lives.  Energy really does go where we put it!

I am looking ahead and counting my blessings.  I look forward to practicing Reiki/Energy Healing,  Hypnotherapy, and Horticulture therapy full time.  My passion is helping others reach their full potential.  I believe that everyone has the right to be healthy and receive healing.   I will continue to be an advocate for worthy causes, but my passion is being a “Healer”.  I embrace it fully and thank God for choosing me to be a “Healer”.  I am now ready for the next chapter of my life and to continue on my spiritual path.  When there is love for mankind, there is great “healing”.

Dawn Westmoreland is a retired Air Force veteran, certified Reiki/Energy practitioner and Hypnotherapist in the Asheville, NC area.  She resides with a cat named Smudge and a dog affectionately named Toby.